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Wedding Lunch

It’s interesting how different phases of our lives are marked by the types of events that we attend. For example, there are the stages of chalets and BBQ, then wedding dinners, then baby first months, etc. Sometimes it cycles, because of the “next generation”. I’m actually past the wedding banquet phase, but I was just invited to one wedding lunch earlier this month.

The ambience in the ballroom for the wedding lunch was quite nice. It was surprising, because I’ve attended many other functions in the very same ballroom and always thought the room was odd and uninviting.

Lunches aren’t terribly common. Most people hold dinner banquets instead. But lunch isn’t any lesser an event than dinner. I had expected lunch to be a quicker affair, but well… it was just about as long as dinner afterall.

Part of the reason is that the banquet has to start late because guests hardly arrive punctually. I make it a point to be on-time (for anything), but it seems many people just cannot be bothered. For example right now at work, we have this regular project meeting where some (most) attendees are regularly 15 minutes to half hour late, and occasionally over 1 hour late. Some don’t even have the courtesy to call ahead to let the others know that they are running late.

I think this is one habbit that Singaporeans have to fix.

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