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Hydroflux Water Filtration System

Even though Singapore’s water supply is potable, many of us still find ourselves filtering or boiling our water before drinking. Water leaving the treatment plants may be clean, but we worry about old pipes delivering the water to us, as well as the state of storage tanks. Since we had some renovation at home, we also installed a filtration system.

We’ve got Hydroflux’s under-sink filtration system. They do have another system that is installed on table top, dispenses hot and cold water, and requires electricity to operate. The under-sink system is purely passive, and it comes with a separate tap to dispense filtered water.

The system has a four stage filter that treats water in the following sequence:

  1. A 5 micron sediment filter removes sediments such as rust particles, sand, dust and other impurities in the water.
  2. A UF (ultra filtration) filter uses membranes with pore size of 0.01 micron to remove 99.99% bacteria.
  3. A nano silver activated carbon filter removes organic chemical substances such as chlorine, taste, odour and other impurities. Nano silver inhibits the growth of bacteria.
  4. The final alkaline antioxidant filter increases the pH of the water. It also decreases the size of water molecule clusters by 50% to improve hydration.

I learnt all that from Hydroflux’s marketing, of course, though I’ve tried to cut out some marketing messages. I’ve no independent means to test their claims.

Hydroflux will send someone down to your home to do a demonstration. I do find that, like many other home demonstrations, you tend to feel pressured into getting the system. They were professional and don’t hard-sell. Still I’ll suggest that you do some research first before you ask for a demonstration.

Hydroflux will provide the installation, including the dispenser tap and drilling of additional hole for the dispenser tap, so you needn’t engage a plumber separately to do the work.

I’m neither promoting, or not promoting this filtration system. However, I suppose if I do feel a little healthier half a year later or something, I’ll probably mention it.

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