The last time something like this happened had the alarm sounding for a good 50 minutes. Fortunately, it was nowhere as long this time. It was like about 15 minutes. The problem seems like the same as before again. The main fire alarm panel at the guard house did not show any alarm indication, yet the fire bell rang furiously.
A bunch of residents showed up again and gathered around the guard house, some trying to “take control” of the situation and boss around. It is so funny to hear amateurs talking as if they knew all about fire alarm systems and fire fighting procedures.
I dare say I know quite enough about fire alarm systems, fire regulations, and various fire safety procedures. It is a small part of my job actually. But I tried not to talk too much.
Then, the security guards try to explain that the fire alarm system is so complicated. Yeah, right. It’s nothing like what we have in data centres, which are fairly commonplace too.