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The $5 Giordano Sale

A $5 sale is a sure way to attract crowds of Singaporeans. I just just standing in front of this Giordano outlet at West Mall yesterday and saw this swamp of people flocking to the shop. They had just put up a $5 sign over a wagon of T-shirts. It was some sort of a one-hour special. In a span of about one minute, they drew the crowd pictured in the photo.

Then, you start to see the ugly Singaporean pushing and elbowing their way to reach items of clothing, tossing them around, digging into the bottom, etc, etc. *sigh* Sometimes, I just loose interest in the sale when I have to jostle with these crowds.

Giordano was not doing well at one time. They revived themselves by introducing $29 jeans. (I think it was $29?) Once they’ve established their brand, their prices started to climb steadily. Nowadays, I’d consider their not-really-wonderful jeans rather pricey. I’ve long since started to go for other brands.

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