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Celebrating Isaac’s Full Month

We just celebrated Isaac’s full month last evening. It’s actually a few days late, but we figured it would be a lot more convenient for everyone to have the celebration on a weekend rather than on the actual day of the full calendar month which would have fallen on a weekday. We split the party into overlapping sessions, with relatives coming earlier at 4:30pm while friends later at 6:30pm. It’s the best compromise between squeezing in everyone together at the same time, or splitting them into two totally separate parties.

The Wife made the yummy cupcakes pictured here. The kids helped out too, such as cutting out the shapes for the toppings. Ian was helping too, although I don’t know if he was actually contributing productively.

Isaac was superb yesterday. He either slept, or quietly explored his surroundings while he was awake. He allowed just about anyone to carry him, and had his feed without fuss. This would be his first encounter with so many people all at once, and he seemed quite comfortable with them. I suppose the people who got to hold and carry him were also charmed by his sociable demeanour.

Many people commented how Isaac and Ian looked so identical. I think so too. The baby photos of Ian and Isaac are difficult to tell apart, actually, if not for the fact that I remembered how they were dressed differently.

Catering this time was a little weird. We catered for about the number of adults who actually turned up. We did not count the children, who would also be consuming some of the food. But for some strange reason, we were left with a tremendous amount of leftovers. Yet, on the other hand, the drinks supplied by the caterer ran out midway. It seems like the consumption of drinks was disproportional to the amount of food consumed. Were people very thirsty, or everyone was on diet, or the caterer somehow supplied us with too much food? We’re going to have a couple of days of left-over food to finish up!

The party was tiring, or, at least it was for us. We started going down to the function room at about 3:30pm to start with preparations, and it was already after 9pm by the time we were done. Ian had started to get cranky by then, and Vanessa would be too had we not quickly got them home to wash-up, change and go to bed.

We had a run-in with a neighbour over the booking of the function room we used for the party. To cut a long story short, this neighbour claimed she booked the room, could not produce any supporting evidence, then blamed the Managing Agent for mucking up her reservations. It took us about an hour to sort this out because she refused to leave the room. I guess this is one way neighbourly-quarrels start.

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