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Blog Integration With Facebook

It hasn’t really been a long time since my last “state of my blog” update.  The last was when I wrote about WordPress 3.3, or if you don’t count that, then when I announced I had outsourced the hosting of this site.

The last week, I’ve been on a roll – writing one post per day. It just happened that there were things to write last week. It’s not a posting rate that is sustainable now. Maybe, I could target an average of one post every two days. That had been my goal a long time ago, but there were many months that went by without achieving this goal. Writing takes time. Actually, the writing itself doesn’t take that much time. What takes a lot of time is when I need to do some research for the post. Some of these research does take a lot of work, but they aren’t so apparent when you read what finally gets posted.

I’ve just recently embarked on implementing some integration between my blog and Facebook. Yup, everyone’s on Facebook. It seems you get a lot more readership posting on Facebook. It would be such a neat thing to capitalize on Facebook’s reach to draw audience to this blog. So I turned to Wordbooker, a neat WordPress plugin that integrates Facebook into a WordPress blog.

This isn’t my first time trying out Wordbooker. The last time I tried, I faced some usability issues. I don’t remember what it was right now, but it was something not good enough that I abandoned it. I was just merely curious about Facebook integration at that time, and I didn’t really mind it that there wasn’t any integration. So I let the idea pass.

Now, of course, my perspective has changed. I want the integration. There didn’t seem like there was any other solution out there quite as complete as Wordbooker. Wordbooker seems to do just about all the basics that you could ask for. Posts in the blog get posted to Facebook. Comments in the blog can be cross-posted to Facebook, and similarly, comments from Facebook brought back into the blog. You can have the posts published in your own Timeline, on separate pages, or both. There are plenty of customization options. If you’re looking for some WordPress-Facebook integration options, check out Wordbooker.

The next thing I did was to set up a Facebook page for the blog. I don’t know why yet, or have a very good reason, but it just seems to be a good idea to keep my personal Facebook presence separate from the blog’s presence on Facebook. Yeah, other blogs are doing that too. I suppose the separation comes in pretty useful when people want to follow the blog page, but not my own life. (It’s not a matter of privacy, since it is possible to manage that without having to create as separate page.)

If you find it easier to follow this blog via Facebook, just “like” the page:

I didn’t realize till I was almost done writing this post that I’ve already published 1000 posts on my blog. This will be the 1001st post. Granted, some of the posts here are really short (called “asides”) and are only a little more elaborate than a tweet at most, this is still a somewhat of a milestone. On to the 10K milestone next! Oh wait… that’ll take like another 27 years even if I post an average of once per day.

Blogging is a hobby that I do in my spare time, although I have been hoping that I might be able to monetize it, or at least be able to reap some cool benefits out of it. At one time, Google Adsense was working well for me… but well, for various reasons, I’m not with using Google Adsense anymore. But, slowly, I’m hoping to get other engagements that will spin some benefits for me. Yup, I’m working on that.

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