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Baby Vanessa Updates

Baby Vanessa is now coming to 6 months old. A lot of things have been happening in the last 2 weeks or so. Her tooth has started to pop out. She has started to perfect her flipping-over skill. She has begun to learn about using her vocal chords and expressing herself through screams.

Her screams are kinda fun. There was one weekend, she spent the better part of the morning screaming at me. It was like a vocal chord practice session. I’m sure the day will come when I’ll have had enough of her screaming… but for now, her delightful screaming makes everyone happy. 🙂

Vanessa’s motor skills are also picking up fast. She’s getting good at grabbing things. When I’m holding a cup of iced water while I’m carrying her, she lunges forward toward the cup, grabs it and pulls it toward her, and then she tries to bury her head into it. It’s quite funny to see her excited interest in the cup of iced water.

Then, she’s also playing peek-a-boo with her mummy, and she gets quite excited with the game too. Giggling, cooing, screaming, etc. Lately she’s been staying up much longer and sleeping less, because there are so many things that engages her. Peek-a-boo games, doggies running around the house, baby food (e.g. biscuits) that keep her engrossed, other food (not for babies) that catches her attention, etc. So many things are happening around her.

I suppose she’s now at the next stage of babyhood. 🙂

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