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Cafe Hopping at CafeHopping

I frequent Bukit Timah Plaza quite often, so it came as quite a surprise that there’s this shop, which has been around for some five months, that I haven’t discovered until now. CafeHopping In A Box is sort of a cafe located in a very unpretentious shop unit tucked away in a quiet area of the mall.

The basic idea behind CafeHopping is that they scour cafes all over Singapore for the finest pastries, and bring them to you at  their outlet. Instead of you hopping around cafes all over Singapore, they do the hopping for you. You just come to their outlet to savour the cakes and pastries they’ve selected.

CafeHopping’s limited menu offers items from about six different cafes each time. With one visit, you can sample offerings from that many cafes at the same time. Every two weeks, they refresh their menu with new items from different cafes, so you can keep coming back every fortnight and excite your tastebuds with new offerings.

Here’s what they have at the moment.

In the above:

Pictured above is the Chocolate Speculoos from inthebrickyard, selling at $7.90.

Pictured above are the:

CafeHopping serves tea, and coffee has just been added to their menu from last week.

You can order whole cakes too, with customisation if you so desire.

To be honest, I can’t entirely appreciate their value offering. I mean, it’s nice and convenient that they bring pastries from all over Singapore to you. But that’s provided getting to their cafe is, in the first place, convenient to you. Perhaps it is if you happen to be hanging around Bukit Timah Plaza. That works for me. But it’s not like Bukit Timah Plaza is a really happening mall that attracts crowds from all corners of Singapore.

By the time you got to CafeHopping In A Box, you might as well have gone to those other cafes you wanted the pastries from. Oh yes, maybe the thing is you get to taste pastries from so many cafes with just one visit to CafeHopping.

Unless you have someone to share with, I can’t imagine ordering multiple cakes to eat at one go. During my visit, I chose to try D’zerts’s Salted Caramel Cheesecake.

The cake was nice. I would have loved a stronger caramel flavour, but otherwise the cheesecake itself was nicely flavoured with soft creamy texture. Of course, the cake itself is from D’zerts, so I suppose you should be reading reviews of the cafe the cakes come from.

Ambience isn’t something CafeHopping is too concerned about. It isn’t quite a place to chillax, but they do have Wi-Fi in case you want to sit down at the only two tables available for some web surfing. CafeHopping’s value add is to bring fine cakes and pastries to Bukit Timah Plaza (unit B1-52B), and hopefully that is a place convenient to you.

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