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Mandatory Whipped Cream

181020091282This is my order of Caramel Frappuccinno, “no whip”, at Starbucks recently. That’s what they served, in the photo. It has whipped cream. Have you noticed, even though the coffee joints like Starbucks and Coffee Bean always ask if you want whipped cream, often the order comes out served with whipped cream anyway even if you said you didn’t want it? It has happened to me countless times!

Sometimes, I just wonder what’s the whole point of asking customers whether or not they want whipped cream. I’ve observed that even though the “no whip” might be correctly noted in the order/receipt, the person making the drink will just automatically add whip cream anyway. Is it actually so rare for people to not want whipped cream that the staff simply add without checking the order?

I like the coffee enough on its own, I don’t need whipped cream added. Actually once a while I will opt to have whipped cream, but mostly I end up having it even though I didn’t want. In the latter case, sometimes I just finish off all the whipped cream first, before starting on the coffee drink itself.

There is one thing I don’t mind the coffee joints not doing properly. Incomplete grinding of the coffee beans. I like to find the tiny chucks of coffee beans in the drink, and taste the crunchy bitterness of the beans.

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