Since so many netizens have faithfully come here in search of shingz, I shall do a public service by offering the definition of the word, according to Ris Low’s brand of English of course.
What is Shingz?
“Shucks”, or “whatever”. Like “oh my god, this is so shingz. I can’t stand you anymore. Please talk to my hand.”
When I’m walking down the street, and a car stops in front of me, beep beep, I’ll look at him and say “shingz”. … It’s like another word for f**k.
So there you have it. The definition of shingz, according to the inventor of the word. If you’ve not been living on this planet recently, the above was learnt/heard from an interview with Ris Low by Shan and Rozz on at the Three Monkeys Cafe.
I think the Three Monkeys Cafe probably became a lot more well known after this episode, in case people haven’t heard of them yet. I haven’t eaten there, although now it is now moved up in priority in the list of places to try next. (I’ve heard of them, but haven’t particularly wanted to go there before.)
Incidentally, I did briefly think about how to capitalize on these new words. Pity, but both and domain names are already squatted on. In fact, even and are taken. Interesting, is an online t-shirt seller marketing a line of, well, boomz t-shirts. I think they also caught on to Apple’s i-everything, because they have iBoomz too.