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No Bola at Cocoa Colony

Many moons ago, we came across this nice dessert shop. They offered, among other things, this interesting Cocoa Bola, which I had blogged about previously. I see their stores around from time to time, and I’ve been meaning to go back there to eat again that Cocoa Bola. We finally got around to making a purposeful trip to to Cocoa Colony.

We were in for an afternoon of disappointment. First, the outlet we knew about at The Cathay, which admittedly we hadn’t been around for some time, has closed down. We just happened to need to be in the area, and thought to pop in there. The closure must be reasonably recent, since there are still reviews and comments about the outlet as recent as October 2016.

Fortunately, there was another outlet not too far away, at 313@Somerset. We hopped over.

We ordered the Cocoa Bola. Or rather, we tried. Unsuccessfully. The Bolas were not available.

I thought that, perhaps, they simply ran out of it that day. It was only in the middle of the afternoon. It seemed rather unlikely to be sold out of anything that early. But maybe the Bolas were really that popular. So I asked, and was told that the Bolas have been out for a couple of weeks now.

The Bolas have been unavailable for something like the last three weeks!

How ridiculous was that? I thought the Bolas were like their signature item. How in the world do you run out of your signature item for that long a time? I cannot understand what sort of logistic problem is plaguing them.

Alright, no Bolas, we’ll just make do with something else then. Something else not so nice.

How about a cool alcoholic beverage? The Bailey’s Cocoa. No, the staff has never heard of it. But I’m not imagining things. You can see other reviewers, such as this one from Poh.Tato.

My #2 was so looking forward to the Black Pepper & Mint Smoothie. They don’t have that either.

It seems the menu has changed somewhat. No Bola, no alcohol. This is how their sad menu looks like now.

I don’t know, but our excitement just complete disappeared. We had to let other people in the ordering queue go first while we reevaluate our choices.

We ultimately settled on:

The Lychee Mint Cooler is actually quite good. It was the best of the three drinks we had. Cool and refreshing. It was #2’s drink, but it was good enough that I taxed some amount. Good, but not enough to make up for the missing Bola.

The Amazonian Gold Ice Blended is a cocoa drink, it was rich and thick. I think ordinarily I would be reasonably happy with it, but not when I’m missing the Bola.

The mocha coffee was quite meh. The cake was perhaps a little better, but nothing special that would deserve any special mention.

Cocoa Colony sells a small variety of other cakes, as well as sandwiches, waffles, and ice cream.

I’ve not tried their other foods. Their signature Bolas should be the main reason to draw customers. The specialty cocoa drinks too, I suppose, but the Bolas particularly since they’re quiet unique. I’m disappointed that they’ve stopped stocking up on their Bolas.

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