For some time now, programming skills are tested in a practical examination at my school. It all started because, once upon a time, we found that some of our graduates leave school still without actually knowing how to write a ...
Category: Technology
All technology things, computers, networking, IT security, etc.
If your camera doesn’t have wireless capability, or the camera you want to buy lacks that, fret not. It’s possible to add wireless capability to a camera that lacked that feature built-in. Just use a wireless SD card. ...
From Mighty Mouse to Magic Mouse. I’ve been a fan of Apple’s mice. Although I own several Apple products, I don’t consider myself the sort that would buy Apple products simply because Apple made them. Apple ...
I’ve been quite unlucky. In a short space of 1 or 2 months, I’ve had to RMA 3 hard disks. One of them was especially bad, because the hard disk wasn’t even a year old, and it had already started to die. It also ...
Newsstand, Apple’s digital magazine application, was introduced in October 2011. I didn’t catch on with the new way of reading magazines because, well, I don’t read many magazines anyway. Most things I want to ...
The non-IT folks sometimes get the thinking that IT projects are easy. After all, you often hear how easy it is to “develop websites”, or how some primary school kid has written iPhone and iPad apps. There are all ...
M1 has come out with more information surrounding its colossal 3G service outage from 15 to 17 January. Great, I was indeed hoping that M1 would share more information. As I last posted, their earlier press release raised many ...
Today is sort of the equivalent of the Mayan apocalypse for M1. No voice, no text, and no data, for a pretty big chunk of their customers for a pretty big part of the whole day. This is for their 3G mobile service. 2G was still ...
I recently tried out Canon’s EOS M mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. This is their first entry, almost four years late, into this market of mirrorless cameras. I’d have expected that these cameras, like the ...
Last year, IDC forecasted that that year would be the end of the hey days for Android. IDC didn’t think that iOS would replace Android, but instead, it would be Windows Phone that will see tremendous growth in the coming ...