| Technology
Earlier this month, Facebook made their new Instant Articles feature available to all publishers. In a nutshell, when a content publisher puts an article on Instant Articles, users browsing Facebook using its mobile app can see ...
| Technology
Apache or Nginx. This is a question that many website administrators have considered. It’s a question that I’ve also considered several times, and again just the past week. Apache is the most popular web server on ...
| Technology
You probably already know that you can do Google web search by typing keywords directly in the Chrome web browser’s address bar. The address bar is officially known as the Omnibox, and it can do other sorts of searches ...
| Miscellaneous
It’s a brand new year 2016, and what nice way it is to start the new year with a long weekend. It might even be a super long weekend for some folks who get the eve off work too. 2015 has been a busy year, both at work, at ...
| Technology
Even though my personal blog is, well, a personal project, I’ve always tried to run it with some level of professionalism. One aspect of it is about keeping up with the technology, such as optimising website and content to ...
| Miscellaneous
I frequently talk about IT security. It’s time to practice what I preach. Since two weekends ago, 22nd March, this blog website has gone entirely on HTTPS. Accesses via HTTP is redirected to HTTPS. The HTTP port is ...
| Miscellaneous
I’ve been receiving constant reminders about how Graph API v1.0 apps must upgrade to v2.0. There’s just 53 days left now. Time to sit down to find out why this problem exists. I’m using the official Facebook ...
| Technology
This has been an exciting year of gadget reviews here on this blog. I’m a gadget guy. The opportunity to try out and write about the numerous gadgets that come my way has been most enjoyable. No, I did not buy them ...
| Miscellaneous
I update my blog design from time to time, but I’ve never had an archive of how the design has evolved over the months and years. As I look back, I thought it’ll be nice to catalog how the site has developed through ...
| Technology
For the last three years, I’ve been hosting my website, ZitSeng.com, with BlueHost. They are a fine web hosting provider. My contract was expiring, and while there wasn’t really anything wrong with them, ...