| Miscellaneous
We just observed Earth Hour late last month. This month, we have another earthly event coming up. It’s Earth Day, and it’ll be celebrated next Tuesday on 22 April 2014. Earth Day is an annual event that has been ...
| Miscellaneous
There are some 23K spam in my blog comment queue right now. All received within the last 2 weeks or so. I was just poking around my WordPress admin panel and noticed the spam statistics. I’ve received some 273K spam in the ...
| Miscellaneous
I seem to be quite backlogged on all the stuff I want to blog about. Many things have been accumulating for some months. New gadgets, new projects, new tech updates, and generally the things that I’ve been doing. The ...
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I did not expect myself to be so passionate about fonts. I know that fonts can be beautiful. Using the right fonts can make a page full of text more pleasing, more inviting, and even easier to read. A beautiful website design ...
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I now have a Facebook page for this blog. It’s at facebook.com/zitseng.com. Please help me “like” the page! You can follow blog updates through Facebook when you’ve liked the ...
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It hasn’t really been a long time since my last “state of my blog” update. The last was when I wrote about WordPress 3.3, or if you don’t count that, then when I announced I had outsourced the hosting of ...
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Did you know you can get yourself a stack of Facebook business cards, free of charge? Oh well, you do have to pay for shipping, which is a reasonably nominal charge. The business cards are really free, no gimmicks, courtesy of ...
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I haven’t really gotten onto the Twitter bandwagon. Sure, I have a Twitter account, just like about almost everyone else that exist on any social network. But I’ve found that in my circles, Facebook seems to be the ...
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WordPress never ceases to fascinate me. With each version upgrade, it gets so much better, it makes blogging so fun all over again. Sure, once in a while, I’m disagreeable with a couple of changes. But the improvements ...
| Miscellaneous
Google’s launch of + (Google Plus) is just a little over two weeks ago. They already have some 10 million users signed up. With all the buzz and excitement surrounding it, it looks set to push much farther ahead than ...