Zit Seng's Blog

A Singaporean's technology and lifestyle blog

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 |  I used to cycle around a lot, on the roads. That was over 10 years ago. I think I was a well-behaved cyclist, keeping to the side of the road, not getting in the way of motorized vehicles. Back then, the danger was with drivers ...
 |  With the new school year just around the corner, there are now an increasing number of people on campus. Crowds in the canteens, crowds at the bus stops, and stupidity on the roads. Stress levels are going up, and my stress level ...
 |  I’m here at Kah Motor again. It’s not actually the regular servicing, but rather a follow-up on a problem complaint because they failed to address it during the regular servicing appointment scheduled last week. There ...
 |  IT shows are seeing record attendance and sales, condominiums are being snapped up, car prices are rising, and COE prices are surging forward. Aren’t we supposed to be in the midst of a economic crisis? The latest round of ...
 |  It would happen again sooner or later. The front of my Honda Stream bumper got nicked by a curb that was just slightly too high, and now there is a streak of black plastic revealed in the front left corner of the bumper. Unlike ...