It used to be just cyclists which drivers had to contend with on the roads. In recent times, we’re seeing other forms of transportation gadgetry, like motorised micro-scooters, e-monocycles and hover boards, coming ...
Category: Miscellaneous
Any other thing under the sun.
I’ve switched to a new SSL certificate on my blog website. Most of the time, this is just an uninteresting routine maintenance. Certificates expire, and they need to get renewed. It’s not the usual thing this time ...
It was sad enough to read about the death of national serviceman Private Dominique Sarron Lee’s death back in 2012, and subsequently the sad circumstances surrounding the incident, as well as other deaths in the Singapore ...
A Kelly Cheng recently called to attention Whitley Secondary School’s invitation to quote that carried a requirement for Unlimited Changes. It quickly turned viral, with just about everyone saying it’s unreasonable ...
An interesting Gizmodo article came into my newsfeed yesterday. It’s about a video created by a commercial pilot to help someone, even with zero flying experience, safely put a Boeing 737 safely down on the ground in an ...
An article in the Straits Times earlier this week explained the reasons behind why Singapore changed its passport numbering system. It came across to me like self-praise, that of how the immigration and other law enforcement ...
It’s a brand new year 2016, and what nice way it is to start the new year with a long weekend. It might even be a super long weekend for some folks who get the eve off work too. 2015 has been a busy year, both at work, at ...
The second phase of the Downtown Line (DTL2) officially opened on 27th December. There are a number of quirks with DTL2 that commuters. For example, for the first time in Singapore’s rail network, transferring between lines ...
Just a few more days to Christmas, and if you’re now in panic mode about what to get, here are more ideas. This is pretty much a part 2 to my earlier Christmas shopping list, based on gift guides from a few brands that ...
The idea behind the Food Bank is nice. But perhaps they need better graphic design, and placement of their bins. At least that’s the case of the one located at the canteen below my office. People seem to have mistaken them ...