I read an article on Yahoo Finance yesterday about how Standard Chartered was making a robbery victim responsible for fraudulent charges. Whatever their legal rights were, it seems very morally wrong of what the bank did. I ...
Category: Miscellaneous
Any other thing under the sun.
We just observed Earth Hour late last month. This month, we have another earthly event coming up. It’s Earth Day, and it’ll be celebrated next Tuesday on 22 April 2014. Earth Day is an annual event that has been ...
Malaysia says checking Interpol’s database of stolen passports will delay immigration clearance. Interpol rebuts, claims search results take just 0.2 seconds in recent tests. Well, of course, we know that’s not true. ...
Earth Hour this year is on 29 March 2014. It’s observed from 8:30pm to 9:30pm, local time, wherever you are. In Singapore, it’s just about starting now. Individuals and organisations are encouraged to switch-off ...
I know the MH370 incident is not over, so it might be premature to talk about lessons to learn from it. But so very much has happened, we can talk about learning points for a long time to come. Flight MH370 will likely be one of ...
Since the haze reached record breaking levels in June 2013, and with Singapore’s official PSI readings always giving a rather useless rolling past average values, I decided I needed to get my own haze sensor. The sensor ...
We’re currently sitting through a record dry spell. You may already have read about it. 27 days of dry weather starting in January before it was briefly interrupted by a little rainfall on 8th and 9th February. If you look ...
I, too, had wondered if our Singapore-style online vigilantism has gone a little too far. It seems our Singapore netizens are easily irked, and they are quite capable of taking matters into their own hands, appointing themselves ...
The hacktivist group Anonymous has again challenged the Singapore government, this time threatening to make public the personal data of employees linked to the government, according to a report by ZDNet. This is in response to ...
It’s the Lunar New Year of the Horse. Welcome back to ZitSeng.com. I mentioned previously some changes that will happen to this site. The first one has happened, but there’s perhaps not much to be noticed. ...