The United Nations E-Government Survey 2014 report was released earlier this month. The survey seeks to assess the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to transform the public sector. Governments of the world ...
Category: Miscellaneous
Any other thing under the sun.
I update my blog design from time to time, but I’ve never had an archive of how the design has evolved over the months and years. As I look back, I thought it’ll be nice to catalog how the site has developed through ...
You’d expect online services to be 24×7, running round the clock non-stop every day of the year. So it’s rather puzzling why this e-service from our Ministry of Manpower (MOM) appears to observe normal work ...
Tomorrow, the full force of Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) comes into effect. It’s purpose is to protect individuals from unscrupulous use of personal data by organisations. We are more concerned than ...
My Wipebook 2.0 is here. It’s a largish A4-sized notebook with pages made to work like whiteboard surfaces. Or, you can think of it as a whiteboard turned into many pages of a notebook. You can write on it with ...
Google has apparently changed their logo over the last weekend. Check out the difference. Oh, can’t see anything? Don’t worry, it’s not your eyesight. You see, the change is so minuscule that most people ...
After slamming the NDP website, I feel I owe an explanation. Particularly about the security scare. You see, when I write for casual reading, many of the finer details are glossed over. In all the excitement, it’s easy to ...
I don’t normally want to criticise websites, but I’ve heard so many complaints about our National Day Parade (NDP) website and I can’t help but agree with them. It’s almost a national embarrassment that a ...
I have high regard for Dr Ng Eng Hen. So I am a little disappointed by his remark that higher aspirations of Singaporeans is one reason for the high cost of living in Singapore. He cited an example of mobile phones almost ...
You’ve probably read it in our papers. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) say consumer products cost more in Singapore compared with other cities. They apparently ...