Which is more serious, an alert or a warning? | I’ve been quite confused. Our government recently introduced these alerting mechanisms to warn us about potential exposures to COVID-19 cases. They used two terms, ...
Category: Miscellaneous
Any other thing under the sun.
I’ve been extremely busy lately. You might have noticed the somewhat reduced number of posts on this blog. I’ve had many things going on at work, and also others at home. Hopefully there’ll be some return to ...
Not everything has to be made into an app. | Dear business owners. Not everything needs to be an app. We, your (potential) customers, don’t want to have to use an app for every single damn thing. This self-serve ...
Don't just bin your documents without shredding them first. | Having some IT security background, I tend to be a little more, shall we say, careful with the security of my information. This includes how I dispose of ...
The government owns the data. | No surprise here. TraceTogether can be used for purposes other than COVID-19 contract tracing needs. It was revealed in parliament yesterday that the police can, indeed, obtain ...
2020 has forced us to change. | Seeing M1’s advertisements a few days ago about their “Remote Working Solutions”, I think many people will have the same first thoughts coming to them. With four major ...
An alternative to hogging seats at cafes. | Like many parents of young school-going children, I spend quite a bit of time loitering in shopping malls, while the kids attend various classes. I do sometimes get work ...
Doing alright now doesn't mean we'll always do okay. | After 15 days without any locally case of COVID-19 transmission, the good streak had to end. On 26 Nov, a Singaporean man tested positive for COVID-19. Then, ...
Not everyone, but certainly not few just can't do it. | Troubleshooting doesn’t sound glamourous. Most people think it’s just something you do as part of a job. It’s taken for granted. There are ...
I've saved $900 in the last 12 months. | Even though competition in the retail electricity market has opened since late 2018, many people are still unware of new electricity options available to them. What are they ...