Apple yesterday launched its one-day Red Friday sale in Asian markets such as Singapore. It’s the Asian equivalent of the U.S. Black Friday sale. In the U.S., Black Friday marks the starts of the Christmas holiday shopping ...
Category: Technology
All technology things, computers, networking, IT security, etc.
Just thought I’d share this Official Android 4.0.3 ICS ROM for SGS2 that has been leaked out. It’s still alpha stage, not quite ready for daily use, but it’s a good sign of progress that Samsung is making on ...
The recent furore over the $14K phone bill of a SingTel subscriber shows how much our phone usage patterns have changed in the last decade. Originally used for making voice calls, then moving on to SMS text messages, many of us ...
A photo that has gone viral on Facebook in the last few days shows how much of a mess you could land yourself in if you don’t manage your data roaming properly when you go overseas. The photo showed a SingTel phone bill ...
In case you have not noticed, the Android Market is currently running a fabulous promotion. For 10 days, 10 applications will be released on each day, priced at just 10 cents each. This promotion is in celebration of the ...
Android Market is celebrating their 10 billionth download by selling a bunch of apps, not rubbish apps but some of the most popular ones, for just 10 cents! Yes, 10 Singapore cents if you’re on the Singapore Android Market. ...
I’m not surprised that Apple’s iOS lost to Android in sales units (17.3M vs 60.5M units), but very interestingly, it also lost to Nokia’s Symbian OS (19.5M). This is for Q3 2011. Okay, I know many people were ...
Engadget reports that Apple’s attempts to block the Samsung Galaxy tablet and phone sales in the US has been blocked. However, they were more successful in Australia, having obtained a one-week extension to the ban on the ...
There’s nothing not to like about Fiio’s newly launched E10 DAC/amplifier. It joins Fiio’s line of many other DAC and amplifier products that are relatively cheap yet sporting good quality construction and sound ...
I watched the Samsung Galaxy Note launch event, the one that was held in London, the start of its world tour. No, I wasn’t there physically, but I watched it through webcast. The event was, overall, pretty impressive. I was ...