It even sets the bar for Apple’s next iPhone launch. Over the first weekend, the last iPhone reportedly received 4 million pre-orders. The Samsung Galaxy S III (SGS3), on the other hand, now has some 9 million handsets on ...
Category: Technology
All technology things, computers, networking, IT security, etc.
SCADA, or Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition, security breaches are not often heard about. At least, not at the same level of other sorts of computer crimes. But SCADA has the potential to impact the physical environment, ...
I’ve traded in my Samsung Galaxy S II (SGS2) for the HTC One X, HTC’s latest flagship smartphone. It was, surprisingly, not a very difficult choice. The Samsung Galaxy S III (SGS3) was just announced earlier this ...
That’s right. Nokia’s latest Pureview 808 handset has soared to such great heights never before reached by other mobile phones. Literally. The Pureview 808 was carried by a ballon up 34 km high. From there, it took ...
I feel a little strange reviewing a product without really knowing precisely what that product is. It is an Android tablet, that’s for sure. But I’ve yet to figure out exactly what sort of tablet it is. You know, as ...
The Samsung Galaxy S III (SGS3) was announced last week on May 3rd. There is usually a rush of excitement on Day Zero of any greatly anticipated product launch, and then a few days later, people start to get a more balanced view ...
It might as well have been called the Galaxy S IIS. When Apple releases the next generation of iPhone that’s not a whole lot different from the current generation, they just add ‘S’ to the model name. For ...
Can you replace your notebook with a tablet? This seems to be a common question. I came across this article on PhoneArena, and decided I’d share my thoughts on it too. I’ve been commuting to work with my MacBook Pro, ...
Google launched their Drive cloud storage service last week. We all expected that to be coming. There had been speculations about it for a long time. We’re all a little surprised that Google came onboard so late. With ...
Let me guess. You might have heard of ESET, but you’re not very familiar with their products? Well, you could be forgiven, because they’ve got just 2% share of Singapore installations and 9% share of the global ...