More than anything, the events in the last week or so will be an important lesson, albeit a painful one for students, and perhaps administrators too. This saga has seen many people taking different sides on the many issues at ...
Category: Miscellaneous
Any other thing under the sun.
I am quite surprised by NUS’ bold and quite unprecedented move. They have cancelled the freshmen orientation week that was supposed to commence next week. That’s right. The annual freshmen orientation week, the ...
Forgive me for saying some unpatriotic things. But there’s this logo that has bothered me for some time. It’s about the National Day Parade (NDP) 2016 logo. I thought it looked rather inauspicious. Don’t you ...
Now that we have the scoop on the root cause of the SGX outage last Thursday, one wonders why a simple matter of a hard disk failure could spiral into such a disruption. More interesting, yet, is why a simple hard disk failure ...
There are many times I wonder if a prerequisite to being a politician is having a screw loose in one’s head. I’m sure we can identify numerous instances when the messages coming from them just seem completely ...
No, it’s not a robbery in the Netherlands. It’s a robbery in our Holland Village. Perhaps with all the recent focus on fighting terrorism, someone has forgotten that banks need security guards too. Apparently there ...
Bus operator Tower Transit has begun operations late last month. They are the first company to be awarded a tendered bus package under the Land Transport Authority’s (LTA) new bus contracting model. In a sweeping ...
This has been hot news of late, that of the Singapore Government cutting off Internet access for the 100,000 or so desktop computers of its public servants. Since then, we’ve heard all sort of remarks about how our ...
It sounds unreal, but it is real. Fortunately, it isn’t for the general populace. The Singapore government will ban the Internet from computers officially used by public servants from May next year. This will affect some ...
If you hadn’t heard about it, Singapore and Indonesia was just embroiled in, apparently, and even though perhaps just quite briefly, a territorial spat. It’s serious, alright, because Indonesia had scrambled to ...