It was a pretty hazy day yesterday. Even the 24-hour PSI reading, usually less pronounced than the 3-hour one, strayed into the unhealthy range for some parts of the day. Then we had a good rain this afternoon this clear the ...
Category: Miscellaneous
Any other thing under the sun.
Election season is underway, and we’ve just six days left before polling day. I’ve long wanted to give my two cents, but seeing that I never intended this blog to discuss politics, lest I inadvertently incur the wrath ...
They’ve changed their logo again. Google’s. The last time, in 2014, it was so subtle that you’d be hard pressed to notice any difference even if you compared them side-by-side. This time around, the change is a ...
My apologies to NSF folks and NSmen, if you find your next activation, call-up or open mobilisation related to a transportation screw-up, it may have something to do with me. You see, it seems someone at the LTA reads my blog, ...
The RSAF’s participation in this year’s National Day Parade (NDP) is unprecedented. Not only did they put up a myriad of fifty aircrafts for the main show, including the previews and rehearsals leading up to the main ...
Today, Singapore celebrates its 50th National Day. This will arguably be the largest, most extravagant, celebration in Singapore’s history. On the one hand, the government has a multi-million dollar budget to pour into this ...
A Singapore Airlines’ Airbus A380 aircraft will take part in this year’s National Day Parade (NDP) flypast. This will be the airline’s first participation in the NDP flypast. The Airbus A380 will be decked out ...
We used to say, if you don’t know the answer to an exam question, you smoke your way through and hope you can convince the examiner that you somewhat know what you’re saying. In the army, you also smoke, ...
I’ve just installed Pittasoft’s latest car camera, the BlackVue DR750LW-2CH. This is a dual camera system, with both cameras capable of recording full HD video. I’d normally write a full review post, but before ...
I’ve asked some friends, and I’ve checked online forums, so I know I’m not alone. I don’t have the letter, and I don’t have the postcard, for the collection of my SG Funpack. Perhaps I could have ...