Last year, I cooked up a storm over my comments on the NDP website. My intent was to lament the embarrassing presentation of the NDP website. Security was just one aspect, but it caught on and went viral. This year, I’m ...
Category: Miscellaneous
Any other thing under the sun.
I think our Singapore Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, must have recently gotten a new social media team. Quite notably, of late, his social media posts have been clever, witty, and popular. His recent sharing of his Sudoku ...
It’s Singtel free data day today, for postpaid customers. This is Singtel’s compensation to postpaid customers for the data outage that occurred on 22nd April. Enjoy your free data. I’ve some suggestions on how ...
Singapore isn’t smiling enough, so Smile Singapore, an initiative by Clarke Quay Central, is trying to promote happiness in Singapore. They are doing this by asking people to have their smiling photos taken, then installed ...
In the news yesterday is about SMRT’s bid, jointly with OMGTEL Pte Ltd (OMG), to become Singapore’s fourth wireless telecommunications carrier. Yes, that means they want to become a telco. My first thoughts, SMRT ...
I did not intend for this blog to have a focus on car ownership in Singapore. Interestingly, I’ve found that the most popular visit here is about scrap value of Singapore cars, officially known as the PARF/COE rebates for ...
In light of the current Dallas Buyers Club LLC’s action against netizens here and other parts of the world, I thought for a few moments about the possible explanations innocent people could come up to defend themselves. ...
In the news today is about the owners of that movie, which honestly I haven’t heard about until today, obtaining from ISPs the subscriber information of alleged infringers of their copyright. This will likely develop ...
It was April Fool’s day yesterday. April Fools pranks are nowadays getting so commonplace that we read news with, at least for me, always some lingering doubt about its authenticity. In fact, you could say that April Fools ...
Truth be told, when I first heard of the LKY Day petition, and saw their two websites, I thought they looked suspicious. Not totally fraudulent perhaps, but certainly not entirely aboveboard. Viral messages were circulated ...