I thought the revelation of Facebook’s privacy breach last month was bad, but that was it and we’d all move on, which for some people could mean to still just continue using Facebook. However, it seems the bad news ...
Category: Miscellaneous
Any other thing under the sun.
After our Prime Minister spoke about e-payments at the National Day Rally last year, there has been a flurry of e-payment initiatives spawning everywhere. We all understand the benefits of e-payments, but I’m not so sure ...
It’s the Lunar New Year tomorrow, and I suppose this blog, metaphorically, could do with some spring cleaning. I had really wanted to do a visual overhaul, but unfortunately, I only found time to do some simple ...
A brave judge has described an MP’s appeal letter as “somewhat troubling” and “regrettably misleading”. *clap* *clap* *clap* I’ve often wondered, what’s the deal with these MP letters ...
Yesterday’s moon event drew lots of interest. In case you’ve been living under a rock, last night saw for the first time in 152 years the occurrence of a blue moon, a supermoon, and a total lunar eclipse, all at once. ...
It’s been raining lots in Singapore. In fact, it’s been raining so much the last many years that many of us joke about the passing of numerous 50-year-periods so quickly. Last night’s temperature fell to 22°C, ...
Yesterday, two trains collided at Joo Koon station. 29 people were hurt. Some preliminary findings have been quickly offered. I’m not sure if their explanations have been at all satisfactory. In fact, I find the ...
I’m sure we don’t need a million-dollar salaried CEO to tell us that there are deep-seated cultural issues in the SMRT. It is blatantly obviously so. This is about as far that Mr Demond Kuek is willing to admit right ...
Our MRT is plagued with all sorts of problems. With every disruption, it sounds as if the operators pick from a random pool of “reasons” to explain. Occasionally, new “reasons” are offered. Yesterday was ...
Dear YiXi Qian,
I don’t patronise Starbucks as often as I’d like. It’s not so much about their coffee that I want to go there for. I don’t particularly like their cakes either, except perhaps that caramel ...