Zit Seng's Blog

A Singaporean's technology and lifestyle blog

 |  If your Wi-Fi speed is never fast enough for you, you may already want to look at routers going beyond AC2600. This ASUS RT-AC88U isn’t new, in fact, it became available back in late 2015, but since it recently came ...
 |  ASUS launched their first smartwatch, the original ZenWatch, back in late 2014. In the following two years, they launched two more generations of smartwatch, with the current ZenWatch 3 arriving late last year. There are many ...
 |  FreeNAS has sort of released version 11. They call it a release candidate, RC1. In their announcement, they do say that RC1 is not feature complete. The feature complete version is targeted for later this year. I’ve been ...
 |  Almost everyone use some sort of cloud storage nowadays. But what if you want to, you know, own your own cloud storage, but don’t quite know how to setup and run one yourself, what can you do? There are certainly a ...
 |  I recently visited AWS HackDay 2017 at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) office in Singapore. This is the third year the competition has run, and this time there were 22 teams competing to build projects relating to IoT, analytics ...