What do you do if you have some extra hard disks on-hand, and need a convenient way to connect them to your computers? One popular solution is to buy a portable hard disk enclosure, which will hold and connect a 2.5″ hard ...
Category: Technology
All technology things, computers, networking, IT security, etc.
I’ve been mulling for some time about the option of building a standalone pfSense box. My current pfSense runs as a virtual instance inside an Ubuntu host. This interest was renewed again recently when, unfortunately, my ...
I’ve heard that several other people also have gotten confused over flying their Extreme Fliers’ Micro Drone 2.0. Either the assembly line has messed up everyone’s wiring, or the horrendous manual has proven to ...
This is the second generation of Netgear’s R6300 wireless router. Netizens have come up with the R6300v1 and R6300v2 designations to differentiate between the two models because, unfortunately, Netgear did not update the ...
I was recently struggling with my home fibre broadband connection when, as it turned out, it was something I had figured out before, but I had forgotten all about it. So to save myself the hassle in case I need to go through that ...
I’ve blogged about this before. But every time I open up my PC casing, I’m mighty pleased with what I decided to buy a couple of years back. It wasn’t the cheapest PC casing around, but it was something that was ...
I think we can all appreciate how important a part of our lives that our smartphones have become today. We don’t use them much to make phone calls. But we still use them to communicate, by way of text messaging, WhatsApp, ...
Many of us have played with radio-controlled cars. Increasingly, people have upgraded to radio-controlled helicopters and other flying objects, particularly the quadcopters like the Parrot AR.Drone. So, when the opportunity came ...
Google launched the 2nd generation Nexus 7 in July this year. It’s a slim, svelte 7″ tablet that offers you the pure Android experience. It’s got pretty good hardware specifications, and costs less than ...
We’re all familiar with charging our gadgets via USB. I’ve known that not all USB sources deliver the same amount of power. But it came as a surprise to me, earlier this year, to learn that even the cables matter. ...