This week, Microsoft pretty much lost their lock pick. Security circles have described the incident as the loss of a golden key. Yes, it’s as if Microsoft has lost a precious magic key. But it really isn’t so much as ...
Category: Technology
All technology things, computers, networking, IT security, etc.
The Raspberry Pi has been a very interesting single board computer since its original launch in 2012. It has had a number of hardware upgrades through the years, the latest being the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B this year. One of the ...
If you’re looking to get a motion sensor for your Z-Wave home automation setup, Fibaro has something very interesting to offer. You see, while most motion sensors look like, well, motion sensors, Fibaro’s Motion ...
Most home users will likely just buy an off-the-shelf broadband router for their home Internet connection needs. For the adventurous types, those who like to build their own customised PC rigs, building a broadband routers might ...
It’s been a long time since I worked on “computer stuff” at so low level. This time, it’s about figuring out the Infrared (IR) remote control protocol used by my aircon, and then building an IR blaster ...
One of the most common things you’ll want to or expect to do with a home automation system is to control your lights. While there are many types of light switches available, choosing the right one seems to be ...
I’ve been using free SSL server certificates from for many years. These are legit, free, certificates that last for a full year, not those 1-week trial sort of free certificates. This is, of course, before the ...
It’s not common in Singapore for homeowners to install any sort of fire protection devices. It is important, though, and it has been something in the back of my mind. With my recent setting up of home automation system ...
These days, gamers don’t lug desktop gaming rigs around anymore. There are plenty of serious gaming notebooks to choose from. The ASUS G752 is a recent update to their Republic of Gamers (ROG) line of enthusiast gamer ...
Another month. Another Android security update. Like how it is with Windows security patches, end-users are probably feeling bored. Even techies might get a little bored with the spate of OpenSSL vulnerabilities since ...