Netgear launched their Orbi Wi-Fi System in September 2016, making them about the first mainstream manufacturer of consumer networking gear to enter the mesh Wi-Fi arena. The RBK50, as the model is known, continues to set a high ...
Category: Technology
All technology things, computers, networking, IT security, etc.
When it comes to web browsers for Mac users, there are two main choices: Apple’s Safari or Google’s Chrome. While I’m a Mac fan, I’m heavily invested in the Google ecosystem, and hence it made sense for me ...
ASUS has entered the arena of whole-home mesh Wi-Fi systems with the launch of their Lyra Home Wi-Fi System in July this year. It comes in a three-piece system, somewhat like the TP-Link Deco M5 I reviewed earlier, so ...
Autumn is here for folks in the northern hemisphere. It’s also autumn for Mac users, because Apple has just released the final public version of macOS 10.13 High Sierra. High Sierra’s default desktop wallpaper ...
Some of us spend a lot of time around email. So much, that our email app is probably about the most important software, if not the most oft used one. Having the right tools is most critical and essential for our productivity. ...
Although my recent FreeNAS DIY PC was meant to consolidate my storage and compute, other bits of my home network is still in many little bits and pieces. Notably, while my main broadband router is served by a pfSense box, I have ...
Since it’s the Singapore International Cyber Week, I thought it apt to write a something about cybersecurity. It’s a really exciting field. Exciting is good, for cybersecurity professionals. Exciting isn’t so ...
A few moons ago, I was still using ownCloud. It’s basically a Dropbox-style private cloud software that you can run in your own hardware. When I transitioned to a new DIY NAS PC, I got to know the turmoil that surrounded ...
After I recently posted about the D-Link WiFi Smart Plug recently, I realised I’ve not mentioned about a Z-Wave switch plug that I’ve been using for a while. It’s the TZ68E Z-Wave On/Off Switch Socket from TKB ...
Many flagship smartphones are now priced over the S$1,000 mark, including the just announced Apple iPhones. But if you’re looking for something a whole lot more practical on your wallet, you still do have several good ...